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I want a solution to crying...

 I want a solution to crying:

Several days, every month.

Menstrual disorders.  Crying.  the pain

Menstrual disorders. Crying. The pain. Photo by unsplash, edited by nazihpharmacy

I am very sensitive, especially three or four days before my period starts. Everything bothers me.

 Work is the most important thing in my life and I find it annoying. 

I even reduce my working hours to get away from confrontation with my students and colleagues and the abundance of questions. 

Even my husband jokes with me, but to no avail. Anything that warms the heart, anything romantic on social media or TV upsets me and causes a river of tears. 

I feel severe insomnia and frightening nightmares and I take everything seriously. I feel very sad and depressed and tears flow as if nothing in my life is okay. 

I get angry quickly for any reason. This is what Mariette, 28 years old, the physics teacher at school, told me.

This condition continues until the first or second day of the menstrual cycle. 

Then the storm begins to gradually subside until my psychological problem ends and I land safely.

Menstrual disorders , crying , pain
Photo by anthony train on unsplash

In fact, the problem of crying is a big issue that only those who experience it feel. 

Many people do not even know that there is a case of crying before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Psychological and emotional disturbance is one of the symptoms of the menstrual cycle. 

Menstrual symptoms: 

  • Pain in the joints or muscles
  • Headache and fatigue
  • Weight gain associated with fluid retention
  • Flatulence
  • Breast tenderness
  • The spread of acne
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Mood swings

These symptoms become more severe in the presence of some chronic diseases such as diabetes and som digestive diseases.

Delayed menstruation and irregular menstruation in young women may lead to physical symptoms and an indication of osteoporosis.

Many women and girls suffer from it in the form of tears, of course as a percentage that cannot be determined for those who suffer from (premenstrual syndrome) and find themselves crying. 

The reasons for this require significant research, according to(Womens health) .

Menstrual disorders
Photo by unsplash

But it is clear that in most studies, research and statistics, most women suffer from mood swings and a feeling of discomfort at the top of the list of symptoms.

Dripping tears is a common, normal, and strange thing for those who suffer from premenstrual disorders [PMDO]. 

It is not completely known why these disorders occur in women, but it is likely due to a change in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.

Hormones during the menstrual cycle:

Hormons affect the mood of Mariette and others during the ovulation period: 

  • Estrogen. 
  • Progesterone.

The woman’s body releases an egg, which leads to a decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone.

This decrease in turn leads to physical and psychological symptoms.  

Among these effects is a decrease in levels of serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter that performs the function of regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. 

Consequently, a decrease in the level of serotonin leads to a feeling of discomfort and Sadness, depression, irritability, sleep disturbances, and increased appetite for food (chocolate is very delicious, it is true). 

In addition to physical symptoms, and these are symptoms of the menstrual cycle. Per the (Medical scienses).

Menstrual disorders Important effect is on the brain’s two networks :  

important effect is on the brain’s two networks
Menstrual disorders, effect is on the brain's two,  networks . by unsplash

as there are two networks in the brain, the default mode network and the salience network.

These two networks regulate our psychological and emotional state, as studies have shown that they are affected by hormonal changes of estrogen and progesterone. 

Other studies indicate that women who take ovarian hormones have a negative mood due to the role of these hormones in promoting stress and bad mood.

Mariette says that she is fully aware of the psychological and emotional fluctuations that happen to her, and she said that she may start shedding tears seven days before her menstrual period. 

I feel tears in the morning, noon, and evening, and I do not know what awaits me the next day.

 So my days go from work to household chores to... Family, chore list, and my children.

 It’s often a bad night and I find it difficult to sleep, and this may be the reason why I become more depressed.

tips to reduce negative mood effects and the shedding of tears before and during menstruation?

Healthy foods , Menstrual disorders
Best healthy foods

Nutritional supplements are one of the solutions that contribute to alleviating these annoying symptoms and reducing crying.

 Especially supplements that contain a high percentage of magnesium due to its effect on the nervous system as a treatment for insomnia and nervous spasms,such ad avocado, oats and sesame.

Most vegetables sach as okra and spinach, fruits contain magnesium. Eating an appropriate amount daily of strawberries, blueberries , or others can alleviate the severity of the symptoms. The taste is delicious and the benefits are great.

Fruits , Menstrual disorders
 fruits contain magnesium can alleviate the severity of symptoms, edited by nazihpharmacy

The most important advice I give is to do everything that gives you happiness and positive energy. 

Collect all the tools that help in arranging your mood, such as seeing friends, sleeping in a quiet place, clean air, watching soft movies with a happy ending. 

All of this helps in managing the matter and opens the way to removing this rock that Burden your shoulders with tears, to become a girl full of life and happy, and you can do it.

Giving priority to healthy food:  

Simple physical exercises can play an essential role in treatment, reducing salt,drinks contains caffeine and alcohol.

 drinking plenty of water and eating foods rich in anti- inflammatory, such as leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, lentils, oats, nuts, especially raw, and iron-rich foods (such as red meat). 

Exercise raises the level of endorphins, Menstrual disorders
Nazihfarmacy Exercise raises the level of endorphins

Exercise raises the level of endorphins, as Like   walking backwards , a natural factor that raises the mood to the peak, and helps regulate sleep as well, in addition to distracting attention from the menstrual cycle.

Why sadness, love your body. Your body loves you. You are the queen on your throne.

Wish you all the best.


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