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Does Moringa Oleifera Fight Cancer?

Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been used for thousands of years for its health benefits. Moringa may offer many benefits, including reducing the risk of certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure and cancer. On this page:  Nutrients in Moringa Is Moringa Oleifera Rich in Antioxidants? Does Moringa Oleifera Fight Cancer? Does Moringa Lower Blood Sugar Levels? Benefits Weight Loss Moringa Oleifera Oil Summary Moringa is rich in healthy antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and bioactive plant compounds.  Also known as the drumstick tree, miracle tree, or coffee oil tree, the Moringa oleifera tree has been used for centuries for its health benefits.  In this article, learn about what the Moringa tree is, the benefits it may offer, and its potential side effects. Nutrients in Moringa Moringa contains many nutrients such as antioxidants, many plant compounds, and essential compounds, such as(1) : Vitamin A Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (n...

Almonds: benefits, nutrition and how to eat

 Almonds are high in antioxidants, vitamin E, protein and fibre. 

Almonds, benefits, facts

On this page: 

  1. Types 
  2. Facts 
  3. Antioxidants
  4. Cholesterol
  5. Cancer 
  6. Blood sugar 
  7. Heart health 
  8. Oxidative stress
  9. Weight loss
  10. Almond oil
  11. Ways to eat
  12. Risks
  13. Summary

Almonds may have health benefits, including supporting heart health and lowering blood pressure, bone health and among others.

People can eat almonds raw or roasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes.  

Almond is also available cut into slices, silvered as flour, or flaked, oil, butter, or almond milk.  

People call almonds nuts, but they are seeds, not true nuts.  

Almond trees were probably among the oldest trees planted by people.   

In Jordan, archaeologists have found evidence of domesticated almond trees dating back about 5,000 years.  

In this article, learn about the nutritional values ​​and some reasons why almonds are a healthy choice. 

Different types of almonds 

Types of almonds are classified according to the place of cultivation and their external appearance. 

There may be up to 14 types of almonds.  Some of the most widely consumed types include:

  • Butte almonds: Also called padre almonds, they are small, plump in size and easily recognizable due to their light-coloured and somewhat tough shell with a flat surface. They are very popular all over the world.
  • Caramel almonds: The California variety is considered one of the best types of almonds for consumption.  A sweet and nutty flavour, these almonds are special because they have a long, flat, semi-firm but small outer shell.   People use them in different ways, from boiling and roasting to incorporating them into recipes.
  •  Mamra Almond: Mamra almond, grown in the valleys of Kashmir, Iran and Afghanistan, it is a premium type of almond that contains higher levels of healthy fats and sugar.
  •  Gurbandi Almonds: Called Chota Giri, Ghorbandi almonds are imported from Afghanistan.   It is not sweet and can have a slightly bitter taste because it contains a lot of oil.   However, this high oil content makes Gorbandi almonds rich in nutrients such as Omega 3 and Vitamin E.  
  • Sweet almonds: One of the most popular types of almonds, they are a popular choice for sweet and savory dishes due to their deliciously sweet flavour.   They have a flat shape and wrinkled skin and can be used to make oil, eaten raw, or added to recipes.   These almonds are also used in cosmetics and hair products. 
  • Green almonds: This type is considered an immature almond with a green color and a crunchy texture.   The outside is velvety, and the inside of the seeds is soft, becoming firmer as they mature. It tastes delicious.  
  • Marcona Almonds: The most beautiful almonds, they are famous for their elegant appearance.  Origin: Spain and became popular in the Mediterranean countries and India.   They have a sweet, rich flavour, as well as a crunchy, soft, moist and buttery texture, making them perfect for snacking, roasting or frying.   You can fry them in olive or sunflower oil, add a pinch of salt and enjoy a delicious snack. 
  • Spanish Almonds: Also called mole almonds, they also come from Spain, and their name comes from the Spanish word meaning “soft shell.”   These plump almonds have a delightful nutty taste that lingers in your mouth.   Due to its soft skin, it is often enjoyed raw and is usually available in its whole form.  

There are many types of almonds and differ in taste, texture, and texture, and each type has a place of consumption around the world.

Nutriental facts

Almonds contain many nutrients, as the table below shows the amount of each nutrient in one ounce (28.4 g) of almonds.   

This is roughly equivalent to a handful of almonds or about 23 almonds, including(1)

  • Energy (calories) 164 cal
  • Carb     6.1 g
  • Fat        14.2 g  
  • Fiber    3.5  g
  • Protein  6 g
  • Iron     1 mg
  • Zinc    0.9 mg

  • Phosphor     136 mg
  • Copper   300 mcg
  • Manganese 0.6  mg
  • Selenium   1.2 mcg
  • Folate    12.5  mcg
  • Vitamin E  7.27 mg

These have the highest calcium levels of all nuts.   One serving gives you about 76 3 mg of calcium.   Plus, it provides you with 208 mg of potassium and 20 percent of your daily magnesium needs to prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis after the age of 50.

Do not forget to eat foods that contain vitamin D, as almonds do not contain this important vitamin. 

B vitamins, omega-3 acids, folic acid, and selenium may be beneficial for sex, especially men, and increase sperm count and fertility.

Almonds also give you good energy, about 164 calories. This is an appropriate amount for performing daily duties and physical activities such as walking or running.

People who follow a vegetarian diet can supplement their needs by eating almonds.  According(2) to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.   

Recommendations vary depending on the individual's gender and age.

Almonds are rich in antioxidants 

Almonds are a great source of antioxidants. 

Antioxidants(3) help protect against oxidative stress, caused by free radicals, which can damage molecules in your cells and contribute to: 

  • Inflammation
  • Aging  
  • Heart disease
  • Dermatitis

The antioxidants in almonds are largely concentrated in the brown layer of the skin. 

Therefore, blanched almonds – from which the skin has been removed – have less ability to resist oxidation.   

This means they may not offer the same anti-inflammatory capabilities and health benefits.  

A 2022 analysis(4) of more than 800 participants suggests that eating up to 60 grams (about 2.25 ounces) of almonds daily reduces two different markers of inflammation in the body.  

These findings support the results of another study(5) in 2021, which found that eating 2 ounces (56 g) of almonds daily for 12 weeks reduced markers of inflammation among a group of more than 200 participants ages 16 to 25.  

Antioxidants, along with protein, fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E, play a role in reducing the symptoms of menopause in women.

In short, almonds contain a high percentage of antioxidants that can protect your cells from oxidative damage, which is a major contributor to disease prevention and anti-inflammatory.

May lower cholesterol levels

Almonds are rich in fat, but they are unsaturated fats.   

This type of fat does not increase your risk of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol.  

The American Heart Association (AHA)(6) indicates that unsaturated fats may improve a person's blood cholesterol status.  

In addition, almonds do not contain cholesterol, with a study(7) from 2005 indicating that eating almonds may: 

  • Increased levels of vitamin E in plasma and red blood cells 

According to this study, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help stop the oxidation process that causes cholesterol to clog in the arteries.  

A 2018 review(8) also noted that nutrients in almonds may help boost or maintain levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good cholesterol.   

They advised people to consume about 45 grams of almonds daily to protect heart health.  

In short, almonds are the best healthy food to avoid the risks of high cholesterol, such as atherosclerosis.  

May reduce the risk of cancer 

Almonds are one of the basic types of foods for cancer prevention.  

A study(9) was conducted in 2015 into the consumption of walnuts, almonds, and peanuts and the risk of cancer.  

The researchers found a two to three times lower risk of breast cancer(10) among individuals who ate larger amounts of peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, compared to those who did not eat all three types.  

They concluded that “peanuts, walnuts, and almonds appear to be a protective factor for the development of breast cancer.” 

Control blood sugar

Nuts and almonds specifically are low in carbohydrates but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber.  

This makes it the perfect choice for people with diabetes.  

In addition, almonds also contain a significantly high amount of magnesium.  

Magnesium is a mineral involved in more than 300 bodily processes(11), including blood sugar management.  

The daily value for magnesium is about 400 mg, and 2 ounces of almonds provide(12) nearly half that amount: 153 mg of this important mineral for vital functions.  

Interestingly, at least a quarter of people with type 2 diabetes are deficient in magnesium.  

A study(13) in 2020 suggests that adequate magnesium intake is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and improved blood sugar management in people with diabetes.  

Magnesium may also be associated with decreased insulin resistance(14) among people with and without diabetes.  

As a result of studies, we conclude that foods high in magnesium, such as almonds, may help prevent metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, both of which represent major health concerns for people.  

Therefore, the benefits of almonds for people with diabetes are due to the presence of: 

  • Fibre 
  • Protein
  • Magnesium
  • Healthy fats 

In short, almonds are very high in magnesium, a mineral that many people do not get enough of.

Eating large amounts of almonds may provide significant improvements to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. 

Eating some fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, and some nut, increases the benefit towards controlling the blood sugar index.

Improving heart health

Almonds are considered nuts that contain fatty acids that are beneficial to the heart and blood vessels.  

Almonds, along with other nuts and seeds, may help balance blood fat levels.  This can benefit heart health.  

In a 2014 study(15), scientists found that almonds significantly increase antioxidant levels in the bloodstream, reduce blood pressure, and improve blood flow.   

The participants were all healthy males between the ages of 20 and 70 who ate 50 grams of almonds daily for 4 weeks.  

Researchers(16) believe that this may be because almonds contain important nutrients, including:

  • Vitamin E 
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidant flavonoids 

Therefore, they recommend eating a handful of almonds daily (about 10) to obtain these benefits.  

In short, almonds are important for heart health and can be included in the daily diet.  

Reducing oxidative stress

Almonds contain relatively high levels of vitamin E, which is considered one of the best antioxidants (tocopherols).  

One ounce (28.4 g) of regular almonds provides 7.27 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E, which is about half of a person's daily requirement(17).  

Vitamin E and other antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage in the body.   

This damage can occur when too many free radicals accumulate. 

Free radicals may result from normal bodily processes and environmental stresses.   

The body can get rid of much of it, but dietary antioxidants help remove it, too.   

High levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress, leading to cell damage.   

This can lead to various diseases and health problems such as cancer(18).  

Scientists(19) also initially linked higher vitamin E intakes to a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.  

A 2016 review(20) suggests that an antioxidant found in vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, may play a role in reducing cancer risk.   

However, more studies are needed to confirm this because the results have generally been contradictory.  

In short, almonds are rich in the most important antioxidants and provide a high percentage of vitamin E. 

However, it is preferable to eat a variety of foods that contain other vitamins, such as vitamin C, to reduce oxidative stress.

May be effective for weight loss

Almonds are a suitable food for weight loss because they provide nutrients that provide a feeling of fullness(21).  

Nuts contain many nutrients that your body struggles to break down and digest.  

Your body does not absorb about 6% of the calories in nuts.   

Additionally, some evidence suggests that eating nuts can boost your metabolism slightly.  

Due to their satiating properties, nuts are a great addition to an effective weight loss diet.  

A 2021 review(22) of 64 clinical trials and 14 meta-analyses indicated that almonds were the only nut that showed a small but significant reduction in body weight and fat mass.  

Another 2014 study(23) of 100 overweight women showed that those who ate almonds lost more weight than those who followed a nut-free diet.   

They also showed improvements in waist circumference and signs of healthy body function.  

As a note about previous studies, it should be noted that this study and the study mentioned above asked participants to follow low-calorie diets in addition to eating almonds.  

Although they are high in fat, almonds are definitely a friendly food for overweight people.

Almonds and other nuts are very high in calories.   Therefore, it is important to be careful when snacking on almonds and other nuts.  As with all foods, moderation is key.  

In short, although almonds are high in calories, eating them does not seem to promote weight gain. On the contrary, it has been shown that almonds can promote weight loss.

Does almond oil strengthen hair and skin? 

 Almond oil is used for skin care because it contains zinc and many nutrients that strengthen hair and skin.  

Therefore, almond oil is included in many medical and cosmetic products. The benefits include the following: 

  • Moisturizing the skin
  • Nourish the skin
  • Revitalize and restore the skin
  •  Reducing inflammation and skin cracks
  •  Stimulate hair growth
  • Strengthening hair roots
  • Reduces hair breakage 
  • Adds shine to hair

To get the best results, mix a little sweet almond oil and sesame oil with avocado oil and okra seed oil, then put the mixture on the hair before showering and rub it well. Leave it for half an hour, then rinse it with water. 

Almond oil can be mixed with oat extract for damaged hair, as it gives the hair softness and strength to the hair follicles. 

The best ways to eat almonds

Almonds are an easy and nutritious snack and a rich source of vitamin E and antioxidants. 

Roasted almonds with salt
Roasted almonds with salt


You can enjoy almonds as a snack between meals.  You can also add it to other foods.   

Make sure to choose healthy raw almonds and monitor your total intake.   

  • Although almonds are healthy, limiting your almond intake to about 20 almonds per day is sufficient. 
  • Try soaked almonds: some people prefer to soak almonds, because this activates some of the enzymes in the almonds, which may make them easier to digest.  
  • If you want a little extra flavor, buy flavored almonds at the store.   Almonds are often salted, roasted with honey, or covered in spices such as cinnamon and cocoa.  
  • Add almonds to your trail mix, giving you a healthy snack when made with ingredients like dried fruits and nuts or mixed with dark chocolate. 
  • Almond butter can be a great addition to toast.   It can also be used as a sauce for vegetables (such as spinach) and fruits.   Look for natural almond butter without sugar.  
  • Slices of almonds can be added to salads to add a little flavor and crunch.  
  • Almonds can be added to juice by adding a small handful of almonds to the blender when preparing the juice.   This can add some flavour.

 Choose whole, raw almonds.   The best type of almonds are raw almonds without adding sugar, salt or spices to get the full benefits.

Risks of consumption

Since almonds are a type of nut, they have properties that may cause allergies or problems related to consumption.  


People with nut allergies should avoid almonds.   If a person experiences hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing after eating almonds, they should seek immediate medical help.   

The condition known as anaphylaxis can develop quickly and can be life-threatening.  People with known allergies should check the packaging of prepared foods and ensure that dishes in restaurants do not contain nuts.


It usually happens to young children, some elderly people, and anyone who has difficulty swallowing. 

Whole nuts should be avoided, due to the risk of choking.  

People with dementia and Parkinson's disease and those who are less mobile may be at greater risk of aspiration, which can cause food to get into the lungs and cause complications, such as pneumonia.


Almonds are a nut and one of the most common allergens, so it may be important to avoid almonds if you are allergic to them.  

Almonds contain a lot of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels.  

 Almons can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss.  

Overall, almonds are as close to perfect as a food can get, with a few considerations.


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