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Blueberries,Benefits and facts

What Happens When You Eat Blueberries

 Blueberries, sweet blue fruit

Blueberries , benefits , facts

Blueberries have many benefits because they contain a large percentage of antioxidants. Edited by nazihpharmacy

Are you eating enough fruits?  If you're like most people, you're headed in the wrong direction. 

Few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits, which exposes them to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and others.  

The guidelines recommend eating at least one or two cups a day of fruit, which contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and especially antioxidants.

  Blueberries are considered one of the richest fruits in antioxidants.  

Yes, berries are an everyday staple food.

  • What is the magic fruit ?
  • Are blueberries healthy  ?
  • How to eat blueberries  ?
  • What are the health benefits of blueberries ?

Red on to see what blueberries can do ..!

   In this article

  • Blueberries Nutrition Facts
  • Health Benefits of Blueberries
  • How to Eat Blueberries
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Bottom Line

Blueberries Nutrition Facts

Blueberries aren't just delicious, they are high in essential nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, health-promoting polyphenols and everything the human body need .,. 

Let's take a look at some of nutritional value according to the US Department of Agriculture USDA ):

Nutritional value  per (  100  ) g
blueberries, raw

  •     Energy                                        57 kcal
  •     Carb                                            14.49 g
  •     Sugars                                         9.96  g
  •     Dietary fiber                             2.4    g
  •     Fat                                                0.33  g
  •     Protein                                       0.74  g
  •     Vitamin  A                                 54     IU
  •     Thiamine ( B1 )                        0.037 mg
  •     Riboflavin ( B2 )                      0.41   mg
  •     Niacin  ( B3 )                             0.418 mg
  •     Pantothenic acid ( B5 )          0.124 mg
  •     Vitamin  B6                               0.052 mg
  •     Vitamin  C                                 9.7    mg
  •     Vitamin  E                                 0.57  mg
  •     Vitamin K                                 19.3 mic g
  •     Calcium                                    6      mg
  •     Iron                                            0.28 mg
  •     Magnesium                             6    mg
  •     Manganese                              0.33 mg
  •     Phosphorus                              12  mg
  •     Potassium                                 77 mg
  •     Sodium                                      1   mg
  •     Zinc                                            0.165 mg
  •     Water                                        84   g

n this table, blueberries are low in colories, but high in nutrients [ fiber 2.4g, vitamin K 18%, vitamin C 12%manganese  16% ].

The daily ration is ;1 cup , fresh or frozen . 1/3 cup , dried. Per the (Mayplate ).

You should not eat too much blueberry due to the presence of solanine, which is a toxic substance that may lead to arthritis and other inflammation.  

Solanine is also found in some foods, such as potatoes and okra.

Blueberries , Benefits , facts
Blueberries , sweet blue fruit

Health benefits of blueberries        

After an extensive study on the Phytonutrients of blueberries, especially the phenolic components that consist of [ anthocyanins, flavonols ] and phenolic acids, polyphenols found in blueberries have been shown to contribute to their health benefits.

To learn mor about these benefits

You can keep your heart healthy :

Heart diseases abound these days due to an unhealthy diet, but back to nature preserves your heart. 

As studies indicate that blueberries contain components that play an important role as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, helping you in preventing common atherosclerosis, protecting blood vessels and low blood pressure.

Blueberries reduce blood cholesterol and maintain good values ​​of bad cholesterol. Thus, you can improve your heart functioning if you eat blueberries daily.

You may improve brain health and memory :

 It is noted, that there are some age-elated diseases that increase in people over the age of 60 .

Interestingly, according to studies, eating foods rich in anthocyanins and flavonols, such as blueberries daily, improved brain function , memory sharpness, delayed aging and against Alzheimer's diseases . 

Blueberry contains omega-3, which supports your brain and memory. In short, you will live longer. 

These delicious fruits can be eaten with nuts such as almonds and cashews to increase the benefits.

You can maintain a low blood sugar :

 Do you suffer from diabetes , then you are one of the people who can't eat foods high in carbs.

 The anthocyanins present in blueberries control blood sugar levels, so adding blueberris to high-carb meals ensures that blood sugar is reduced.

 Also drinking a cup of blueberry juice daily is very beneficial,, per the (  Molecules  ).

Eating blueberries with some seeds rich in fiber and omega-3, such as okra, provides great effects against diabetes.

You may lose weight :

Obesity is a big and Serious problem that some people suffer from.

Blueberries fight obesity and aid in lose weight , in a study conducted on a larg number of women and men for several years, thy ate blueberries daily.

To lose weight, you must follow a diet rich in fiber, including oatmeal, in addition to blueberries

Which led to a significant decrease in their weight.

You can get a healthy body away from Cancer: 

Cancer is a serious disease and it is constantly increasing.

About half of people are infected with it in different forms . 

Recent studies have shown that consuming blueberries on a daily basis reduces the risk of cancer , because it is a food rich in omega-3 and phenolic compounds as antioxidants that inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells .

Rescue your body  with a diet rich in blueberries ..

You can have a strong bones and no arthritis:

Bleuberries are considered a food rich in anti-inflammatory arthritis, so there are omega-3, antioxidants and vitamin C. 

Many inflammatory diseases spread around the world , that may develop into chronic and become difficult to treat.

It also contains calcium, magnesium which help people with osteoporosis avoid fracture, and also during menopause in women.

Eat a healthy diet that contains an appropriate daily amount of blueberries. 

Many studies have been conducted on antioxidants, anti-inflammatory at blueberries ,, per the(  Molecular Sciences  ). Don't neglect your life .

Supporting the body's immunity: 

Some properties of blueberries combine with other fruits, such as avocado, to prevent infections of the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.  

Eating several grains of this magical fruit supports immunity against streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, which often infect the respiratory system and the rest of the body’s systems.

Giving energy especially during easy physical activities such as walking.   

A meal of blueberries every day in the winter keeps diseases away.

How to Eat Blueberries:

The best way to eat blueberries is fresh to get the most nutritional benefits.

Edit by nazihpharmacy

But there is more than one way or recipe to enjoy their delicious taste:

  • Blueberry juice : 

Besides the fresh blueberries, you can drink bluebeeries as juices delicious, refreshing and rich in nutrients, which can be prepared at home in an easy way. 

Ingredients : 

  • Fresh blueberries
  • Sugar
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Water

It's called so bleuberry lemonadeThus, we get a delicious juice, with the lowest calories and carbs. What are you waiting for ?

  • Blueberries cake :

Would you like a piece of cake with a cup of coffee, with breakfast or after it ??< you won't say no >, But add blueberries to this one, and you'll get a sweet taste and countless benefits.

 There are many forms of cake with blueberries. you can see more recipe on the net..

  • Blueberries with liquor :

For lover of good flavor, easy to prepare at home, a cup of sugar placed in a 1 liter jar , filled with blueberries, filled with any drink you prefer... [ brandy, whiskey or vodka.....], sealed for two months or a little more.

A way inherited from the ancestors. Taste and Enjoy.     

Frequently Asked Questions:

1️⃣How much blueberry to eat every day? 

Research has found that eating 1 cup fresh or frozen a day reduces risk factors this is the most important thing for you.

2️⃣What are the most important health benefits of blueberries if i eat every day? 

Preventing heart disease and its causes, improving the liver, reducing the risk of cancer, sharp memory, strong bones and lose weight..

3️⃣Why blueberry is blue ? 

These antioxidants (anthocyanins) give blueberries their distinctive color.

4️⃣Are fresh or frozen blueberries better?

The frozen has a higher content of nutrients compared to fresh. But fresh is still more delicious ..

The Bottm Line:

Healthy food is plant food, fruits and vegetables . Blueberries  are one of the basic fruits should be included in our daily diet, whether as fresh, juices ,pancakes or within meals .,. Let's get a lot of health benefits.,. Gain your health.                                  Prolong your life.


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