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Feel free to get your cholesterol in check

Feel free to get your cholesterol in check

Take a moment to reflect on real life, cholesterol is critical to preventing serious health problems, especially heart disease.  

Cholesterol , check , foods increase cholesterol in the blood

Some foods increase cholesterol in the blood, control by analysis is necessary .  Photo by Nazihpharmacy.

Millions of people suffer from high blood cholesterol levels, on third of theim say they have not had their numbers checked in recent years.  

Controlling cholesterol levels is the right way to prevent heart disease and other blood vessel problems.  

But to know when you should take the tests? How do the numbers help you?  It's not easy and it's not difficult ! How bad cholesterol affects your body?

Should you reduce if your cholesterol is high?  To what extent can you lower your cholesterol level by changing your diet or sports activities? 

 What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty or waxy substance produced by the liver. It is involved in the formation of the body’s cell membranes and hormones. 

That is, it is a healthy substance necessary for vital construction. However, there are some foods, such as Meat and dairy(1) , that increase the amount of cholesterol in your blood. 

Therefore , do not eat before taking a cholesterol test. It may reach a high amount that leads to diseases .

Atherosclerosis is the biggest problem , cholesterol gets a bad rap because there is strong evidence linking higher levels to plaque buildup in the arteries and hardening of blood vessel walls over time. 

This is called atherosclerosis.  Eventually, the buildup can block blood flow to your heart, causing a heart attack.  

Pieces of plaque can also rupture and travel to other parts of the body, causing a stroke.

High cholesterol in the blood may cause cardiovascular damage or shock
High cholesterol may increase a stroke
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  Most people do not experience any symptoms until their arteries are severely blocked. Said Dr. John Wilkins, associate professor of cardiology and epidemiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

➡️ That's why doctors look to cholesterol levels to detect and treat cardiovascular problems early .

When do you need a cholesterol test?

All adults age 20 or older should have their cholesterol checked every four to six years.  

You may need more frequent tests if you have certain risk factors include: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Magnsium deficiency

High levels of cholesterol in the blood lead to the death of cartilage cells, arthritis, and osteoporosis, which makes them easy to break.

But through statistics , heart disease is becoming increasingly common among young people.  

The National Heart, Lung , and Blood Institute recommends starting cholesterol testing between ages ( 9 to 11 ), or at age ( 2 ) if there is a strong family history of high cholesterol and heart disease. 

Your doctor determines the appropriate date and time for the cholesterol test.

What do cholesterol tests show?

  The laboratory doctor checks your cholesterol with a blood test called a lipoprotein panel .  This measures total cholesterol.  

Low-density lipoprotein, called ( LDL), cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein, called( HDL), cholesterol.  

And triglycerides, which are another type of fat that causes atherosclerosis and come mainly from food. Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter in all reports.

  Sometimes the test includes very low-density lipoprotein, called ( VLDL), which carries triglycerides to different parts of the body.

  For some cases , the doctor may also order a test for lipoprotein( ApoB ), the particle that actually carries cholesterol in the blood.  

This is a more accurate indicator of heart attack risk, especially if you have moderate or slightly elevated LDL numbers. Your doctor confirms the need for this.

Test , check , Home cholesterol or sugar testing devices , useful
Home testing kits give 
good results for choles-
terol values. Image by

  There are too , a home tests(2) that use a finger-prick blood sample to check cholesterol.  If you use one of these tests, you should still discuss your results with your doctor following up on your condition ,and when possible, take an in-person test, which is considered more reliable.

What are normal cholesterol levels in the blood ?

  What is  "normal" depends on several factors.  Cholesterol levels generally rise with age

Men tend to have higher levels throughout their lives, while women typically experience an increase during pregnancy or menopause .Genetic factor,  Certain genes can also affect the amount of cholesterol your body makes .

 The most important type to track is LDL , which is considered the “bad cholesterol” that can build up on the walls of your arteries. 

For most people, the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level should be less than 100 mg/dL, the lower the better.

 Said Dr. Douglas Jacoby, medical director of the Penn Medicine Center for Preventive Cardiology and Lipid Management.  

People with diabetes, plaque buildup or other factors that put them at risk for heart disease may need to keep their LDL level below 70 .

 Also High triglyceride levels may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.Normally, these levels should remain below 150 mg/dL.

  good cholesterol ( HDL ) picks up excess cholesterol from the arteries and carries it back to the liver so it can be removed from the body. 

That's why higher HDL levels are generally better.  

Aim to keep your HDL level above 60 being optimal. 

Do not forget this !!➡️ when HDL is higher than 80 mg/dL in men or 100 mg/dL in women, it may lose its protective function and instead accelerate atherosclerosis, some studies suggest. 

Understanding your cholesterol determines your risk for heart disease .

A table showing the amount of cholesterol in the blood: LDL, HDL, TG, TOTAL
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 When your LDL or triglyceride levels fall into the "borderline high" category. In these cases, assessing the risk of infection is more difficult. 

Your doctor may review some of the additional calculations included in the test report, such as your total cholesterol, which is calculated by adding your HDL, LDL, and 20 percent of your triglyceride level.

 A more useful measure may be your total cholesterol is made up of LDL and other arterial-clogging particles.  

This number does not include triglycerides. 

So it may reflect cholesterol more accurately when you eat normally, rather than fasting for a blood test.

 Plus , Doctors can check your cholesterol, which is total cholesterol divided by HDL.  

The higher the percentage, the greater the risk of many heart disease .

What can I do to lower my cholesterol?

 Primarily plant-based food that contains a good amount of fiber and omega-3 . Eating more soluble fiber in the form of legumes, whole grains, seeds, fruits  and vegetables such as okra can help bind cholesterol in the digestive tract and remove it from the body. 

Some foods, such as almondsblueberries , avocados and fatty fish , that contain polyunsaturated fats , which lower cholesterol in the blood.

Foods , cholesterol , reducing
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 Saturated fats are the path to bad cholesterol, Try to limit foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol , such as red meat , butter and cheese , dairy . 

And choose plant-based proteins such as minimally processed foods instead and soy , beans, oatmael, and sesame .

Eating foods containing vitamin D supports the body’s immunity against inflammatory diseases that may affect blood vessels and the heart.

 A healthy diet rich in vitamin C and calcium, may save your life. 

Although the effects of these dietary choices on cholesterol vary from person to person, they can still "reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, or death within three months" of making dietary changes .

Daily sports activities , reduce , cholesterol , give you energy
image by nazihpharmacy

Changing your daily routine by adopting sports activities such as walking , or regular walking  may help you a lot . Exercising a few days a week and eating  anti-inflammatory foods   can lower your LDL and triglyceride levels.

These lifestyle changes can greatly benefit even those who need cholesterol-lowering medications by reducing doses .

What about medicine?

  Your cardiologist may recommend cholesterol-lowering medications if you've already had a heart attack or stroke or if an ultrasound or angiogram shows large blockages in your arteries. 

If your LDL cholesterol level is 190 or higher, In this case, taking medication is necessary in plus to recommendations for healthy eating and exercise .

Doctors consider cholesterol levels along with age, family history of heart disease, smoking history and other factors before deciding whether to prescribe medication .

 The most common cholesterol medications are statins, which reduce LDL cholesterol. 

It may take some trial and error to find the right medication and dose, and most people need to continue taking statins for life.  

Stopping the medication can raise your cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.

 “No one has zero risk , "But there's a lot you can do to mitigate it."


The blood cholesterol numbers issued after the test give great meaning about the heart and circulatory system , and the long series of vascular diseases that does not end except with a new lifestyle that depends on healthy vegetarian food and practicing some daily sports activities. Be well 


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