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Stop!! 4 important effects of energy drinks

     Stop!! Four important effects of energy drinks

Energy drinks are the most consumed beverage among young people and teenagers.

Energy drinks , effects , risks
consumption of energy drinks leads to negative effects on their consumers. Designed by nazih pharmacy


In this article:

  1. Energy drink consumption
  2. Causes for the harmful effects of energy drinks
  3. Why we should not drink too much energy drinks? 
  4. Results on children
  5. Energy drink ingredients
  6. Caffeine effects 
  7. Reasons for the increase in consumption of energy drinks 
  8. Potential downside risks
  9. Safe upper limits for energy drink consumption
  10. The Bottom line

Young people, full of vitality and activity, aspire to the best in everything. Some of them are looking for physical strength.

Some are looking for intellectual strength to appear in the best societal image, and this is an exceptionally positive thing towards the growth of civilization.

But we move in the wrong direction without considering the danger of the path taken, especially if this direction is full of potential health and physical risks if we do not think consciously.

Let's dive deeper into the most consumed drinks.

Energy drink consumption

Energy drinks are used for physical activities such as walking, running and mental stimulation in an insane way, including(1)

  • Increased consumption of energy drinks by young people and athletes, whose number reaches millions
  • Adults consume energy drinks, but at a lower rate than young people and teenagers

Many concerns have been raised about the potential health risks associated with excessive consumption of energy drinks, including the following: 

  • Heart risks  
  • Blood vessels risks
  • Nervous system
  • Digestive system

Chronic consumption can sometimes lead to addiction.  Many studies have been conducted on the negative effects of energy drinks.

Especially cardiovascular and nervous system problems, which may sometimes lead to addiction.

Through these studies it has been shown that the harmful effects on the body’s systems are widespread.

Studies increased after nine cases of cardiac arrest were reported, three of which were fatal.

Causes for the harmful effects of energy drinks  

  • The presence of components affecting the nervous system
  • Excessive consumption of energy drinks
  • People with obesity may be more affected than others
  • Availability in the markets
The presence of nervous stimulating components, the effects of which are ignored for commercial and industrial purposes on the grounds that these components, within the appropriate limits for consumption, are safe and do not show any harmful effects.
Energy drinks, effects,risks
Energy drinks
Harmful effects

Caffeine is the most famous ingredient in energy drinks.

The US Food and Drug Administration even defines energy drinks as liquids that contain caffeine with or without other ingredients.

Energy drinks contain: 

  • Caffeine
  • Sugars
  • Carnitine
  • Taurine
  • Ginseng
  • Guarana

Stimulants play the role including:

  • Increasing the intensity of alertness
  • Increasing the body’s energy
  • Raising blood pressure and heart rate
  • Raising breathing

And we notice this clearly through advertising marketing for these products (Red Bull, Super Drink, Bang Energy, Rockstar, etc.) and this is what young people in their prime want .  

Energy drinks practically enhance mental and physical ability and energy for several hours(2).

Why we should not drink too much energy drinks?

Energy drinks are intended for young people, whose number has increased in recent years in hospitals. 

As a result, many medical reports(3) show results ranging from mild cases such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Digestive disorders
  • Nervousness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Fibrillation
  • Severe kidney damage
  • Ventricular failure
  • Acute mania
  • Stroke
  • Plus to deaths associated with consuming energy drinks

effects , energy drinks , negative effects
The spread of markets for these drinks and their promotion have had clear results on children and adolescents

Results on children

Excessive consumption of energy drinks leads to negative effects for children. 

The spread of markets for these drinks and their promotion have had clear results on children and teenagers, as studies have shown the following: 

  • An increase of about 70% in caffeine consumption in the previous decades until(4) 2009
  • A decline in coffee consumption in recent decades among young people(5), and in contrast, the consumption of energy drinks has increased

Increased consumption is evident among children at young ages.

Energy drink ingredients


The difference between the types of energy drinks is the amount of caffeine, which ranges from (50) mg to (500) mg in one bottle, compared to a cup of coffee (170) ml containing (77) mg to (150) mg of caffeine(6)


A compound found frequently in the heart muscles and the nervous system.

It has an important role in many vital functions such as:  

  • Neuromodulation and a regulatory action inside the cell and its membrane according 
  • An antiarrhythmic
  • Cardiovascular
  • Protecting nerve cells due to its presence in high concentrations in the brain

The presence of taurine alongside caffeine(7) enhances the neurological and psychological effects, for this reason  The two elements come together in one bottle.


It results from one of the processes of hepatic metabolism of glucose. I.e. a substance that is made naturally in the body. This substance contributes to the production of beneficial ascorbic acid

In addition to its natural role in strengthening the body against tumors, per the ( P H M D (8)) in 2008, a great health benefit.


which we eat through animal foods, and is found in pharmacies as a nutritional supplement, and is also manufactured within the body. 

It has an important role in producing energy for the body per the research in 2017 ( Neurochemical research(9) ).  


Which is a plant that grows in the Amazon region and is used as a stimulant by the indigenous peoples of Brazil . 

Its seeds are richer in caffeine than coffee seeds, as they contain alkaloids such as:

  • Theoporphine
  • Theophylline

The presence of guarana and caffeine increases the stimulating ability of energy drinks. 

We sometimes notice that the caffeine content is not included on beverage labels due to them being considered herbal supplements, To learn more about it ( researchgate(10)  ).

 vitamins B 

Metabolism depends on B vitamins, which are also B complex vitamins.  

Organisms need these water-soluble vitamins to support key physiological activities of cells, including the brain and nervous system, with B vitamins. Including:

  • Thiamin B1
  • Riboflavin B2
  • Niacin B3
  • Pantothenic acid B5 
  • Pyridoxine B6
  • Biotin B7
  • Inositol B8

The electron transport chain, citric acid cycle, and mitochondrial metabolism of amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids can be severely and negatively affected by any vitamin B deficiency.

Caffeine effects 

Caffeine may have some health benefits associated with specific daily consumption, but not all of these benefits have been confirmed by research, including: 

  • Weight loss or preventing weight gain
  • Mental alertness and speed of thinking
  • Improves physical performance during endurance exercise
  • Improve brain function
  • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
  • Enhancing long-term memory
  • Blepharospasm (people blink continuously)
  • Caffeine may protect against some types of skin, mouth, throat, and other cancers
  • Reducing the risk of kidney stones
  • Reducing the risk of stroke

Excessive caffeine intake may lead to potentially harmful effects, including: 

  • Worsening symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • High blood sugar
  • Pregnancy loss or delayed fetal growth
  • It reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant by about 27 percent
  • Increased gout attacks 
  • May lead to urinary incontinence
  • Headache and insomnia
  • High blood pressure and heart rate
  • Digestive system disorders such as heartburn 

Caffeine has positive and negative effects depending on the amount taken.

Reasons for the increase in consumption of energy drinks

 several causes have led to more consumption of energy drinks. 

The main factor is the way of marketing and promoting these drinks by the companies that manufacture them, which direct their attention to the youth and adolescent category . 

important effects , energy drinks , nigative effects
People's lifestyle plays a rol
In consumption of energy

The promotion focuses  On the stimulant and motivating factors of energy drinks and their relationship to sports and other activities of the mind and body that require high energy, such as exploiting young people’s desire to improve their cognitive and physical performance. 

They increase their level of concentration and energy. Of course, these drinks achieve their ambition within a specific time and within conscious and regular consumption. 

As for  In the case of chronic and long-term consumption, it has bad effects on health and is not completely known accurately  ( Nutrients sport performance(12) ). 

  • Providing these drinks in supermarkets and gas stations
  • The way of marketing and promoting energy drinks
  • People’s lifestyle

Providing these drinks in supermarkets and gas stations contributes to the spread of consumption of energy drinks, as they become easily accessible, especially for people who travel a lot, as they need energy drinks to continue their work. 

Therefore, people’s lifestyle also plays a role in consumption, and increases the risk of its negative effects.

Potential downside risks 

To learn more about the negative effects resulting from chronic and excessive consumption of energy drinks, we follow together:

Heart and blood vessels

A healthy heart in a healthy body, see, is the most important organ due to the potential and possibly fatal danger. 

The European Arrhythmia Society has conducted many researches and evaluations on energy drinks to reach the safest limit for consuming energy drinks . 

  • Supraventricular arrhythmia
  • Coronary vasospasm
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Coma
  • Aortic dissection
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cardiac arrest

In 2022 (  Journal of nutrition(13) )Cases of supraventricular arrhythmia, coronary vasospasm, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, coma, aortic dissection, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, and sudden cardiac death have been confirmed in healthy people per the ( Nutrition(14) ) in 2023.  

It is very important that this risk increases in people with heart disease. 

If you have a heart disease and high cholesterol, you should avoid drinking these drinks as much as possible.  

Consuming caffeine in high doses leads to contraction of the cardiovascular muscles, and this effect increases in the presence of guarana, which enhances contraction. 

The presence of deaths from cardiovascular causes as a result of consuming energy drinks is an important issue that must be stopped.

Taking omega-3 supplements may reduce the negative effects of energy drinks on people who are susceptible to disease.

Neurological disorders in women 

  • The symptoms of menstrual disorders
  • Cramps 
  • Pain 

The risk increases when you consume energy drinks excessively. Because energy drinks contain high amounts of caffeine. 

You can eat healthy meals with fruits and vegetables to alleviate symptoms.

Nervous system

Most of the effects resulting from excessive consumption of energy drinks revolve around:

  • Seizures 
  • Cerebral vasculopathy
  • Manic asthenia
  • Hypokalemia
  • Acidosis
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia

The neurostimulating effect of these drinks leads to high blood sugar, hypokalemia, and acidosis. 

Although caffeine, as studies have shown, activates the left side of the brain more than the right. 

Which leads to a reduction in fatigue, rapidity of thoughts, and alertness at doses less than [500] mg, negative effects remain present at high doses, such as anxiety, tremors, and insomnia ,according to ( thelancet(15) ).  

If you suffer from these diseases, avoid excessive intake. You can eat healthy meals with fruits and vegetables are rich in omega-3 to alleviate symptoms

Digestive system and kidneys

Many digestive injuries have occurred due to excessive consumption of energy drinks. 

Such as: 

  • Acute hepatitis (the liver performs the most important function in the body, which is metabolism and energy)
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Kidney failure

The components found in these drinks lead to liver toxicity such as hepatic steatosis and hepatic necrosis.Only when consumed in excess.

Eating lettuce and okra vegetables, blueberry, oatmeal, almonds, fruits and apricots reduces the damage caused by energy drinks.

Excessive consumption of energy drinks should be avoided to maintain good liver function, keep diseases away and live well, and Relying on natural food containing anti-inflammatory to protect the liver.

Skin and immune effects

Among these effects is hypersensitivity to the synthetic taurine substance used in the composition of energy drinks. There is a big difference between synthetic and natural taurine, per the journal ( Role of taurine(16) ).  

In addition to autoimmune diseases, which are rare, large consumption of these drinks may pave the way for these diseases.

The natural immunity we take from food or the sun, such as vitamin D, may help avoid some of the risks of energy drinks.

In short, the bad effects of energy drinks may be fatal as a result of heavy and chronic consumption. 

There are many studies and reports of injuries, however there may be silence about some cases, and there may be the possibility of the presence of illegal substances inside energy drinks.

 The problem is not in the ingredients of these drinks, they are safe with proper consumption.

 It is very necessary to set clear limits for the consumption of these drinks. Caffeine represents the main element. 

Safe upper limits for energy drink consumption

Each can of drink (250) ml contains from 50 to 150 mg of caffeine, while the limit allowed by the European Food Safety Authority [  EFSA] for adults up to 400 mg per day per the ( Energy drinke(17) ). 

Meaning there is no potential risk up to 200 mg as a single dose.  

Also, the US Food and Drug Administration [FDA] explained that some effects such as seizures can be observed after rapid consumption of about 1200 mg of caffeine.

Also confirmed that behavioral disorders in school students increase with random consumption of energy drinks.  

The common denominator is taking one or two during the day as a maximum to stay within safety limits.  

The Bottom line

It is preferable to clarify this information on the label of drinks containing caffeine.  

The sale and consumption of these drinks to teenagers and minors should be regulated,or even banned from being taken in schools. 

A conscious culture should be spread through qualified cadres to protect them from their risks, which are completely unknown until now, so that we can ultimately reach a healthy, safe and balanced society in light of the spread of new diseases.  

Always be well

By [ NAZIH ]


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