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The anteverted uterus is the real concept away from the myths

 The anteverted uterus is the real concept away from the myths

Uterus shapes , anteverted uterus is nornal.

Uterus shapes, anteverted uterus is nornal. Edited Image by Nazihpharmacy

Life begins from a woman's womb.  

Many misconceptions about reproductive health circulate among people who are far from basic concepts about the uterus, and even often misunderstand.  

One of these terms is anteverted uterus.  

Let's come together to research this idea and remove part of the portfolio of wrong ideas.

 through its definition, symptoms, causes, and its connection to procreation and health, and correct some ridiculous myths about it.  

Anteverted uterus

What is the uterus and what are its forms? To clarify further, the following:

Anatomy of the uterus

a hollow, pear-shaped muscle, located in the lower part of the female abdomen. Its role is to feed the developing fetus before birth.  

It is connected to the ovaries through tubes through which the eggs pass to be fertilized and then attach to the wall of the uterus.

Uterine diseases

There are many uterine diseases and may be associated with some vaginal diseases, including:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Menopause 
  • Inflammation of the cervix
  • Placental abruption

All uterine diseases have treatments and at the same time they cannot be neglected. 

Shapes of the uterus

Most women have an anteverted uterus (it's all about the tilt)

About 75% of them have an anteverted uterus that tilts toward the bladder, which is the natural way the uterus sits.  

The other 25% of women have a uterus tilted toward the spine, and this is called a retroverted uterus.  

Diagram of the uterus and shapes in a woman's body.anteverted , anteflexed , retroverted uterus

Diagram of the uterus and shapes in a woman's body، designed by Nazihpharmacy

Anteflexed uterus vs. anteverted uterus

The anteflexed uterus is a forward-curved organ and has a generally more pronounced inclination than the anteverted uterus.  

They are similar, but the anteflexed uterus creates pressure in the abdomen and on the bladder.  

Characteristics and symptoms of an anteverted uterus

Women with an enlarged uterus feel that it is tilting forward without knowing it. However, some may suffer from:

  • Feeling pain during menstruation.
  • High risk of urinary tract infection.  
  • Feeling pressure in the bladder.  
  • Frequent and increased frequency of urination. 
  • Slight urinary incontinence. 
  • Lump in the lower abdomen.

This is often discovered only through a routine ultrasound examination of the abdomen. 

There is nothing to worry about, as the uterus has different degrees of inclination from one girl to another .    

When the uterus tilts forward at the cervix, it is called an anteverted uterus, and this position usually occurs at birth.

Causes of an anteverted uterus: 

1• Genes: 

This uterus is formed when they are still in their mother’s womb, and after birth, at a different period of time among women. 

The change takes place towards the normal genetic situation.  

It is similar to the color of the skin or eyes that changes after a certain age.  

2• Pregnancy and childbirth:

Pregnancy and childbirth may lead to a change in hormones and weakness of the lower ligaments during menopause and menstrual cycle, so there are many disorder with it.

Which may cause the uterus to tilt forward and change its relative location. 

3• Health reasons: 

Recurrent endometriosis, surgery, or adhesions after surgery can pull the uterus forward and lead to the appearance of an anteverted uterus, which is rare. 

There is a study showing that those who have had a cesarean delivery are more susceptible to an inverted uterus.

Are fertility, pregnancy, and sex affected by an anteverted uterus?  

● Fertility: 

The anteverted uterus does not affect a woman’s fertility, as it does not prevent the sperm from reaching the egg unless the tendency is severe.  

● Pregnancy: 

Many studies indicate that an anteverted uterus does not pose a difficulty in pregnancy, and therefore the prevailing idea about not getting pregnant when there is a tilted uterus is incorrect.

As the uterus sometimes changes its position as the fetus grows inside it on its own.  

eating healthy food that contains Omega-3,Iron,Calcium,vitamin C and Vitamin D useful, it strengthens the bonds of the uterus.

Even pregnant women and those with an anteverted uterus do not need special care, of course after consulting a specialist doctor to give her the best advice.  

● Does it affect sexual life?  

The anteverted uterus does not cause any sexual problems during intercourse.  

In all cases, women with an infertile uterus should have gentle sex, follow a healthy sexual system before or after sex . 

And consult a health care provider about the matter to follow special instructions.

When should you visit a doctor?  

The anteverted uterus,An anteverted uterus may   lead to pelvic pain and   treatment is easy

An anteverted uterus may

 lead to pelvic pain and 

treatment is easy

If you have lower abdominal and pelvic pain, lower back pain, and sometimes digestive symptoms such as constipation.  The cause may be an enlarged uterus, so you must see a doctor to check the condition of the uterus and search for the cause.  

Diagnosis method: 

The only and preferred diagnosis method is with an ultrasound device, as it gives a clear picture of these cases.  

Treatment of anteverted uterus

The presence of an anteverted uterus is normal and harmless, so there is no need for treatment.  Women can get pregnant, give birth, and practice safe sexual intercourse. 

  • Eating some of seeds, such as sesame and oatmeal can maintain uterine muscle strength and normal bacterial flora.
  • A healthy diet prevents inflammation of the cervix, which may lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease if repeated.
  • Eating the foods are rich in anti-inflammatory such as okra and all vegetables to get a healthy uterus. 
  • And doing special exercises that strengthen the hip, abdominal and back muscles , as ( walking backwards ). 
  • Visit to a gynecologist: It is a good idea to make periodic visits to a gynecologist to perform cervical examinations and inform him of any discomfort or pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen or change in the menstrual cycle.  

Treatment is required in cases of severe uterine tilt accompanied by other causes.  

You may need to treat endometriosis or remove adhesions.  

However, it is often a normal condition for your uterus and does not require treatment.  


Having an anteverted uterus should not affect your health or your chances of becoming a mother. 

You should look positive. There are many false beliefs that if we continue to live in them, we will remain in the dark.  

Enjoy your life and your healthy uterus and live with it as a natural part of your body, without fears and worry-free.  

live your life


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